Solar + Backup MicroGrid Package with a 30-year Warranty

Solar + Backup MicroGrid Package with a 30-year Warranty

When we at Seal Solar talk about energy resiliency, obviously leveraging solar panels to produce your energy needs is what comes to mind for most people. But producing energy is just part of the re-SEAL-iency equation (see what we did there?). Being able to store and then access that stored energy is critical when grid-outages demand an alternate source of much needed power for your home. That’s where adding a battery backup technology like the Tesla Powerwall turns your solar array into your very own MicroGrid. (more…)

Scheduling Service is Easier than Ever!

Scheduling Service is Easier than Ever!

Our website recently received a helpful update. A “Services” tab has been added, giving visitors information via a Services Q&A page, diagnostic help via a Troubleshooting page, and the ability to request a service appointment on their system via the Request Service page. (more…)

Supercharge Your Solar Savings with 1:1 Net Metering

Supercharge Your Solar Savings with 1:1 Net Metering

If you’ve been thinking about switching to solar, it’s a great time to lock-in Arkansas’ 1:1 net metering.

What is Net Metering?

Net metering is how Arkansans reap the full benefits of going solar without storage, to save money on their electricity bill. Homeowners and businesses earn credit for the energy they supply to the grid from excess solar production at a dollar-for-dollar rate. So, for every kWh your solar array produces over what your home or business consumes over a billing period, you would receive a credit to your net-metering account from your electricity provider.

For example, if a residential customer has a grid-connected solar array on their roof, it may generate more electricity than the home uses during daylight hours. If the home is net-metered, the electricity meter will run backwards to provide a credit against what electricity is consumed at night or other periods when the home’s electricity use exceeds the system’s output. The customer is only billed for their “net” energy use at the end of the billing period.

Net Metering Policies

Net metering policies vary by state, and by different utilities even in Arkansas. The differences include the capacity limits for residential and non-residential sectors, the true-up period, and how the net excess generation is compensated.

The 94th General Assembly passed Act 278 which changed the net metering policy in Arkansas for some utilities. The new legislation eliminates the 1:1 rate, and instead institutes two-way billing, lowering the compensation rate for solar users to avoided cost rates that electric utilities pay other power providers.

The new net-metering rules allow existing agreements between net-metering customers and utilities to remain in place, or grandfathered, until 2040. To take advantage of the current net metering with the grandfathering term, Arkansans have until September 30, 2024, to install solar panels (or take a few other steps) to take advantage of net metering at the current 1:1 rate structure.

Get a Free Quote

Now’s the perfect time to take advantage of the 1:1 rate and maximize the savings a solar array provides. With industry leading knowledge and exceptional experience, Seal Solar will make sure you and your home or business reaps all the benefits of solar. Contact us today for a free solar installation quote!

Is Solar Power Worth it in Arkansas?

Is Solar Power Worth it in Arkansas?

Switching to solar power brings plenty of benefits to homeowners, business owners, and the planet. If you’re considering moving away from your traditional utilities in favor of installing solar panels in Arkansas, you need to consider several factors to ensure it’s the right decision for your situation. The most common question people have about solar panels is whether it’s worth it to make the switch. The majority of the time the answer is “yes” and we’ve explained why it makes more sense than ever before to switch to solar right now.

Solar Panels Have Decreased In Price Recently

Solar panels in Arkansas used to be too expensive for the average homeowner. However, within the last decade or so, the cost of the materials and installation has decreased significantly to make them a reasonable option for a larger portion of the population. Financing is available, so it’s simple to convert a large single payment into multiple smaller payments over time.

Take Advantage Of The Federal Tax Credit

A major benefit of installing solar panels in Arkansas now is the 26% federal tax credit. This credit will decrease to 22% in 2023 and will expire at the beginning of 2024. When thinking about the overall costs when deciding whether solar power is right for you, this tax credit needs to be factored in. 

Net Metering Can Put Money Back In Your Pocket

Arkansas offers net metering for people with solar panels, so you could get a quicker return on investment as a result. When your solar panels produce more electricity than you need, the excess is sent to your utility provider to use. You will be compensated for the electricity you provide them in the form of a credit equal to the current electricity rate. It’s just another way solar panels in Arkansas can reduce your monthly energy bill.

Will You Earn Your Money Back On Your Solar Array?

Since your solar payment replaces your electricity bill, many customers start saving money in the first month. Over time, these savings add up and once your array is paid off, you are creating and using electricity for free! Ask your customer service representative about the estimated cost savings before installing your solar panels in Arkansas so you can get a better idea of your situation.

Keep The Lights On Without Burning Harmful Fossil Fuels

Aside from the cost benefits of switching to solar power, you’ll also be creating a better environment. Traditional electricity involves burning fossil fuels and releasing harmful emissions into the environment. As we become more conscious of our environment globally, you can play a small part in creating a cleaner planet by switching to solar power.

There has never been a better time to invest in solar panels in Arkansas, and Seal Solar is here to guide you along the way. The federal tax credit is set to decrease and ultimately expire in the next couple of years, so you can maximize your investment by making the switch now. It all starts with obtaining a free cost estimate, so contact us today to learn more and see if solar power is worth it to you.

When Will Battery Storage For Solar Power Become Affordable?

When Will Battery Storage For Solar Power Become Affordable?

Many people aren’t familiar with batteries until they start doing research on solar panels in Arkansas. While it’s not a requirement to have a battery integrated with your system, it provides several benefits for the right situation. The price of solar panels in Arkansas has decreased in recent years, so the price of batteries could as well. Here’s some valuable information you should know about battery storage for solar power.

What Exactly Does A Solar Battery Do?

Let’s start by discussing what a battery for your home does. When your solar panels produce more electricity than you’re using, any of the extra electricity can be stored in the battery for use later. So when it’s dark outside, when you’ve had a long stretch of cloudy days, or if you’re experiencing a power outage, your battery storage can help keep the lights on for a few more hours. It’s a great way to maximize your clean energy use without relying on the grid as much when the sun goes down.

What Is The Current Cost For Battery Storage?

It doesn’t take much research to figure out battery storage isn’t cheap. Prices can vary based on the models, storage capacity, and many other factors. However, the average cost you can expect to spend is between $8,000-$14,000. The good news is solar batteries qualify for the 26% federal tax credit, just like solar panels in Arkansas do. There’s no clear indication whether solar batteries will decrease in price or by how much, but trends indicate the price should slowly creep down in the coming years so they will become more affordable.

Factors That Contribute To The Cost Of Solar Batteries

So how can you tell exactly how much solar batteries will cost for your home or business? Speaking to your customer service agent with your solar installation company can provide some clarity, but some of the main factors include:

  • The number of batteries you need
  • The manufacturer
  • The composition of the solar battery
  • Whether a sub-panel is required
  • Labor costs

You can save money on labor by having a solar battery installed at the same time as your solar panels. However, you can sort through the other factors by speaking with your customer service agent to determine exactly what you need so you don’t spend more money than what is required to power your home or business.

Are Solar Batteries Necessary?

It’s becoming more common for people to install batteries with their solar panels in Arkansas. But this doesn’t mean they are becoming more necessary. Every home, business, and situation is unique, so it’s important to explore all options to ensure you make the right decision. For example, if your area experiences power outages often, you might be a good candidate for a solar battery so you can ensure you’re not in the dark for long. Or if you simply want to be as environmentally-friendly as possible, then a solar battery is valuable since you won’t have to rely on the grid as much.

A reason why people opt to not install a solar battery is if they want to save money on their monthly utility bills. This is especially true in Arkansas where net metering is offered, so you can receive credits for any extra electricity your solar panels produce. Weigh the pros and cons of a solar battery to ensure the cost is worth it to you.

As you can see, multiple factors need to be considered to determine whether a solar battery is right for you. And if you’re not comfortable making a decision right away, then chances are solar batteries will become more affordable in the future as they become even more popular. 

Work with a solar expert like Seal Solar to ensure you have all bases covered when installing solar panels in Arkansas. We will help you with every aspect of the installation so contact us today to start the process.