Why Is Solar Power The Best Option For Alternative Energy In Arkansas?

Why Is Solar Power The Best Option For Alternative Energy In Arkansas?

Energy costs are rising and have led to people across Arkansas and the country looking for ways to reduce their monthly bills. One of the most common things homeowners and business owners pursue is switching to solar panels in Arkansas for their primary energy source. There’s a lot of information you can find on the internet about solar panels, so it’s important to sort out the myths from the facts. We’ve discussed several reasons why solar power is the best option for alternative energy in Arkansas.

Make A Positive Contribution To The Environment

When you install solar panels in Arkansas, you are committing to using a renewable energy source free from emissions and pollutants. You might have heard about reducing your carbon footprint to help the environment, and using solar energy as your primary source of electricity is one of the best ways to do it. When we don’t have to burn as many fossil fuels to power our homes, we will all benefit by breathing cleaner air and protecting our environment in many other ways.

Have More Control Over Your Electric Bills

Another common reason for installing solar panels in Arkansas is the control it gives you over your electricity bills. Traditional electricity rates are on the rise and will likely continue to rise in the future. When you install solar panels, you can enjoy a more predictable energy bill each month, even during the months when your electricity usage is at its peak. And if you experience a power outage due to weather or any other event, you can have peace of mind knowing you have a few hours of power in your home battery stored up for emergency use.

Take Advantage Of Tax Breaks And Incentives

Installing solar panels in Arkansas is an investment that can be made much more affordable when you take advantage of tax breaks and available incentives. You can enjoy a 26% federal tax credit on new solar panels, which can equate to significant savings.

Long-term cost savings can also come in the form of net metering. This is when your solar panels produce more electricity than you need and the excess power gets sent to the electric grid. The utility company will credit that excess electricity to your meter, which can lead to savings on your monthly energy bill.

Going Solar Is More Affordable Than It Has Ever Been

The cost of installing solar panels has decreased significantly in the past decade. You can take advantage of great financing offers to help offset some of the upfront costs and pay a smaller amount monthly instead. Talk to the customer service department of the company you work with to understand all of their options. Plus, when you consider the long-term savings you experience on your monthly bill, your solar panels will pay for themselves over time.

Your Property Value Could Increase

When you install solar panels in Arkansas, you can expect your home value to increase. It’s not out of the question for you to recover the cost of installing solar panels in Arkansas when it comes time to sell your home.

Seal Solar is here to answer any questions you have about solar panels in Arkansas. We take great pride in providing outstanding customer service from start to finish so you are completely satisfied with your solar panels. Feel free to contact us at any time to learn how solar power can benefit your home and your budget.

How Much Energy Can Be Created By Solar In Arkansas?

How Much Energy Can Be Created By Solar In Arkansas?

With more Americans than ever before switching to solar power for their homes and businesses, you might be wondering whether solar panels in Arkansas are right for you. There are a lot of factors to think about, but the first is understanding exactly how much energy solar panels create. The answer to this question isn’t always simple and most of the time requires a solar professional to evaluate your home to provide an accurate answer. However, we’ve discussed some general factors and information to help you grasp the impact solar panels could have on your energy bills.

Average Amount Of Energy Created By Solar Panels In Arkansas

Several factors go into determining exactly how much energy is produced by solar panels in Arkansas. However, to provide basic general information, here are some averages to consider. Most solar panels on homes will have an output rating of at least 250 watts each. Depending on the amount of direct sunlight the panels receive, you can expect an average of about 1.5 kWh (kilowatt-hours) of energy production per panel, per day. This is roughly enough energy to help power smaller appliances, but it gives you a general idea of how many solar panels you would need to power your entire home based on your current energy consumption.

Solar Panel Characteristics Can Impact Energy Output

When you’re trying to create a solar powered home, you need to consider the specific panel characteristics to determine the energy output. The more watts a solar panel has, the more energy it produces. Some of the older solar panels use outdated solar cell technology, which leads to lower-wattage panels. Modern solar panels use monocrystalline solar cells to help solar panels create much more electricity than older versions. Every solar panel is constructed with individual solar cells, which impacts the amount of energy created as well.

How Impactful Is Direct Sunlight On Solar Panels?

Ultimately, the characteristics of specific solar panels only make a difference if they receive a significant amount of direct sunlight. Energy production from solar panels in Arkansas is directly related to the sunlight available to them. For example, if your solar panels get three hours of direct sunlight and your neighbor’s panels get six hours, then your neighbor’s panels will produce twice as much energy as yours. This highlights the importance of having a solar installation expert evaluate things like shade from trees or nearby buildings, the slope of your roof, the direction your roof faces, and much more.

Calculating Solar Energy Generation In Your Area

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has a helpful calculator to give you an idea of how much energy production you can expect with solar panels in Arkansas. Having a solar panel installation expert evaluate your home can provide you with an even more accurate assessment of the potential solar energy generation for your property. 

Power Your Home With Solar Panels And Save Money On Energy Bills

Most homes and businesses will benefit from solar panels in Arkansas. The biggest question is not whether solar panels work well, but rather, how many you will need to power your property. Once you have accurate calculations on how much energy a particular solar array can produce for your home, you can compare it with your current energy bills and see exactly how much money you could save.

Seal Solar is here to help you understand everything you need to know about solar panels in Arkansas. Be sure to contact us today to get a free estimate.

How Is Solar Energy Captured By Solar Panels?

How Is Solar Energy Captured By Solar Panels?

Most people generally know how solar panels in Arkansas work, but not necessarily the nitty-gritty details. When you’re considering installing solar panels for your home or business, understanding how solar energy is captured by solar panels can give you an idea of how many you need, how cloudy days affect your energy output, and more. We’ve discussed the process of how solar energy is captured by solar panels in Arkansas and how that energy is converted to electricity for you to use in your everyday life.

Solar Cells Absorb Sunlight

When you see a large solar array on the roof of homes, it’s actually a collection of smaller solar panels that have been grouped closely together. This maximizes the effect of the solar panels so the solar cells can absorb sunlight during the day more efficiently. When sunlight hits the panels, the solar cells within the panels are activated and the energy is absorbed. The more solar cells you have in each panel, and the higher the number of panels you have, the more energy the panels will ultimately produce.

What Happens After Sunlight Is Absorbed Into Solar Cells?

Once sunlight is absorbed into solar cells, things get interesting. Every solar cell has a positively-charged layer of silicon and a negatively-charged layer of silicon to create an electric field. As sunlight hits the solar cell, it becomes energized and causes electrons to loosen from the silicon layers. The electrical field around the silicon layers then sets the electrons into motion. Once this process happens, an electrical current is generated and the next step of converting the current to electrical energy occurs.

The Process Of Converting To Electrical Energy

This next step is where things get a little tricky. When sunlight is absorbed into solar panels in Arkansas and creates electrical energy, the energy is in the form of DC (direct current) electricity. Since DC electricity is not commonly used in homes, there’s a conversion process to AC (alternating current) electricity that must occur. The good news is this conversion is simple by using an inverter, which is installed by the solar panel installation company. 

Electricity Is Available To Power Your Home Via Solar Panels

When the inverter converts the solar energy from DC to AC electricity, the electricity is then distributed through your home’s electrical panel and throughout your home to power everything you need. One thing homeowners are always pleased to find out is they don’t need to change anything else in their home. Since the solar energy is routed through your existing electrical panel, it operates similarly to using electricity from your city’s electric company. 

Can Cloudy Days Negatively Affect Solar Energy Creation?

Now that you know the process of how solar panels in Arkansas create electricity for your home, you might wonder how cloudy days can affect energy output. Solar energy in Arkansas is created at a higher rate on sunny days. However, solar panels can still produce electricity even on cloudy or rainy days. Thanks to net metering, any electricity you overproduce will get pushed back to the grid and you will get credits that you use on cloudy days or at night when your solar is not producing enough electricity to power your home.

Seal Solar wants to educate homeowners and business owners on how solar energy in Arkansas works. Once you understand the process of how energy is captured and converted into electricity for your home, you can get a better vision of how solar panels can benefit your everyday life and budget. To schedule a free estimate or to learn more about solar panels in Arkansas, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

What is a Tesla Powerwall?

What is a Tesla Powerwall?

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, revealed his next big invention to the world back in 2015 when he announced the Tesla Powerwall. It instantly garnered interest from every corner of the globe as people wondered how they could get one. Since the Tesla Powerwall has been available for several years now, we want to provide you with information about exactly how it works, what it costs, and how you could benefit from a Tesla Powerwall if you have solar panels in Arkansas.

How Exactly Does The Tesla Powerwall Work?

The Tesla Powerwall is essentially a home battery designed to complement your solar panels in Arkansas. Most of the time, when your solar panels produce excess energy, the overproduced energy is sent back to the grid. If your solar panels don’t produce enough energy, then your home is powered with energy from the grid. 

The Tesla Powerwall essentially takes the place of the grid since any excess energy produced is stored inside the Powerwall rather than going back to the grid. At night when your solar panels aren’t producing enough energy to power your home, the Tesla Powerwall acts as a battery, using the previously-stored energy to keep the lights on. When the grid goes down your solar panels are automatically shut off, but the Tesla Powerwall acts as a generator so you can have power while the grid is repaired.

Cost Considerations For Installing A Tesla Powerwall

If you already have solar panels in Arkansas, it’s worth considering investing in a Tesla Powerwall. The good news is you can take advantage of the federal tax credit of 26% if you meet the qualifications. You’ll need to be using the Powerwall in conjunction with solar panels and your home’s Powerwall will need to receive its full charge from the solar panels. While the Tesla Powerwall and all associated costs could hover around $15,000, there are some financial incentives to help offset some of the costs.

Who Is The Tesla Powerwall Designed For?

Most people who install a Tesla Powerwall already have solar panels in Arkansas or are planning on getting them soon. A spokesperson at Tesla has indicated the Powerwall identifies grid outages and “automatically becomes your home’s main energy source.” Once your home loses power, the Tesla Powerwall automatically takes over and provides energy for your home – no flickering lights, no clocks resetting, just a seamless transition to battery power. 

Get A Comprehensive Evaluation From A Certified Installer

In most situations, you can easily add Tesla Powerwalls to your existing solar panels in Arkansas. It’s important to ensure you work with reputable, licensed, and certified installers. Due to the high cost and high demand for the Tesla Powerwall, many companies are taking advantage of consumers who don’t do their due diligence before purchasing and installing one. Always ask if your potential installer is certified with Tesla when receiving your evaluation, and never hesitate to decline their service if you have any reservations.

Seal Solar is here to help you take control of your future and manage your energy bills. We install solar panels in Arkansas and can also help you decide whether a Tesla Powerwall is right for you. You will always receive honest and transparent advice from our professionals so you can have peace of mind during every conversation. Our goal is to help you save money while protecting the environment and achieving energy independence. It all starts with a free estimate, so contact us today to learn more about how our process works.

Solar Power in Arkansas: All You Need to Know

Solar Power in Arkansas: All You Need to Know

Many homeowners and businesses in Arkansas are powering their lives with the sun’s energy by adding solar panels to their property. You’ve likely heard of renewable energy by now, but still might not be convinced that solar power is right for you. Every home and business is unique, and their solar arrays are too. 

Learning everything you need to know about solar panels in Arkansas is a great first step, so we compiled this guide to help you understand. Included:

  • How solar power works
  • Cost considerations 
  • Categories of solar arrays 
  • Benefits 
  • And more!

Why Solar Power?

When your home or business runs on solar power, you can still operate anything standard electricity does. The big difference is you don’t have to use dirty and harmful emissions to do so. It’s a much cleaner way to power your property, and while the upfront investment may seem high, you’ll make up for it in the long run.

Understanding How Solar Power Works

If you’ve ever looked at solar panels in Arkansas, you’ve likely noticed they are composed of several small squares. Those small squares are generally referred to as photovoltaic cells, or sometimes called PV cells or solar cells. The photovoltaic cells have both a negative layer and a positive layer. When the sun shines on the negative layer, the electrons within the layer shift to the positive layer, which creates solar energy. It’s a rather basic concept, but the impacts of solar energy on our daily lives are monumental!

How Solar Panels In Arkansas Can Work For Your Home

One thing you need to know about solar panels is they produce Direct Current (DC) electricity. However, most homes and businesses use Alternating Current (AC) electricity. This is a simple adjustment when you have a certified professional install your panels in Arkansas. Our team will install a solar inverter to convert the DC electricity into AC electricity. With the conversion to AC electricity, you can use your solar power to turn the lights on, watch television, cook food, run your company’s computers and machinery and anything else you use electricity for.

What Is Involved In The Process Of Installing Solar Panels?

Installing solar panels should always be done by an experienced professional. Several factors should be considered when determining whether solar panels are right for your home or business. Some of those factors include:

  • Whether your roof is shaded by trees
  • The age of your roof
  • Which way your roof is facing (south-facing roofs are ideal)
  • The slope of your roof (15- to 40-degree slopes are ideal)

When you work with a certified professional to install your solar panels in Arkansas, you can have peace of mind knowing they will work correctly and efficiently. The first step is to call a professional solar installer to determine how you can benefit from solar power.

How Affordable Is Solar Power In Arkansas?

The cost of installing solar panels in Arkansas has decreased significantly in the last decade. Solar panels are now more affordable than ever before, and most Arkansas residents can expect to pay roughly $18,000-$20,000 to have their solar array installed. This upfront cost might create some sticker shock, but when you think about the tax credits, incentives, and cost savings over time, the cost is much easier to justify. We will cover those savings and credits a bit later.

Long-Term Savings To Consider With Solar Panels

One of the biggest factors to consider when switching to solar power is the savings you can enjoy over time. Energy consumption is different among all households, but according to the U.S. Department of Energy, the average homeowner in Louisiana will save roughly $287 every year by switching to solar power. This number could be higher or lower based on multiple factors, but regardless of your array size, you’ll slowly begin recovering your upfront installation cost. 

Is Financing Available?

Consumers have plenty of financing options to choose from if they want to install solar panels in Arkansas. If you purchase your solar array, you can apply for a solar loan to offset the upfront cost in favor of smaller monthly payments. Think of these loans as a home improvement loan, but sometimes if it’s designated as a “solar energy loan,” then the interest rates will be lower than the traditional home improvement loan. And if you’re a new homeowner, you may be able to make your solar array part of your mortgage.

What About Tax Breaks Or State Incentives For Going Solar?

Anyone who installs solar panels in Arkansas in 2022 can take advantage of the 26% Investment Tax Credit. This is a huge incentive for anyone thinking about switching to solar power. The tax credit is decreasing to 22% in 2023 and will not be available after that, so you can maximize your investment by installing your solar array now. 

You Could Recover Solar Costs When Selling Your Home

Whether you’re planning to live in your home for the rest of your life or if you might sell it in the near or distant future, solar panels are still a good choice. Homes with solar panels are comparable to common upgrades or renovations to the kitchen, bathroom, or other areas of a home. By going solar, you increase the chances of your home selling quickly, and buyers could also be motivated to pay a premium for it. 

Solar Power Array Categories

We talked about photovoltaic solar arrays previously and now want to dive into the different categories they fall in:

  • Grid-Tied Solar Arrays
  • Hybrid Solar Arrays
  • Off-Grid Solar Arrays

Grid-Tied Solar Arrays

Grid-tied solar arrays are the most common type you’ll see in Arkansas. Grid-tied solar arrays simply mean your home will be powered by your solar panels, but if your panels produce excess electricity, the excess is pushed onto the grid. On the flip side, if your panels don’t produce enough electricity at times, then electricity from the grid will help you power your home.

Hybrid Solar Arrays

Hybrid solar arrays are connected to an on-site battery storage array as well as the grid. The difference between a hybrid array compared to a grid-tied array is any excess energy your solar array produces is stored in the battery rather than being pushed back onto the grid. On days when you need extra electricity, you’ll use the stored electricity from the battery and won’t have to rely on the utility company.

Off-Grid Solar Arrays

Off-grid solar arrays mean you won’t be tied into the grid at all. This can drive up the cost of your solar array since you’ll need more panels and significant battery storage. Not all solar firms can design and install off-grid arrays, so choose carefully and check references.

Benefits Of Using Solar Power For Your Home

Now that we’ve discussed a lot of the important details and factors to consider with solar energy, let’s talk about the benefits of installing solar panels in Arkansas. Whether you’re looking for cost-saving benefits, pursuing renewable energy sources, or having the freedom to choose where your electricity comes from, you’ve got plenty of benefits to consider when going solar.

Lower Monthly Energy Costs

Homeowners can expect to save several hundred dollars on energy bills annually when they switch to solar energy. Depending on how you use electricity, this number could be in the thousands of dollars. If you’ve dreaded receiving electricity bills during the peak summer or winter months, you won’t have to worry anymore when you use solar energy. The bills will be much lower and more consistent thanks to your solar array. When you calculate your monthly or annual savings, you can see how solar arrays pay for themselves over time.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Switching to solar can reduce your carbon footprint since it is a renewable energy source. Unlike fossil fuels, solar panels don’t release pollutants or carbon emissions in the air when generating electricity. According to a study by Mashail S. Arif of the University of California, Berkeley, a residential solar array “has the capability of providing for the electricity needs of an entire home with about 80% lower carbon emissions than fossil fuels.” This is an eye-popping statistic when you think about how many carbon emissions are released into the atmosphere every day.

Choose The Solar Array You Want

You have the choice to install different types of solar panels in Arkansas. With the help of a solar panel expert, you can install a customized array designed to meet your specific needs. Having this freedom and flexibility can give you peace of mind knowing you don’t have to rely as much on things outside of your control, like utility companies increasing rates each year. You can be well on your way to having control of your money when you install a solar array.

Solar Arrays Are More Accessible Than Ever Before

The future of renewable energy is promising. As more people have installed solar arrays on their homes across the country, the cost has fallen, making solar panels more accessible than they’ve ever been. When you combine the accessibility with the tax breaks and other incentives available to you, there’s no better time than now to install solar panels in Arkansas.

Rely On Experts For Solar Panel Installation

The last point to always consider is to only rely on experts for your solar panel installation. No matter how handy you might be, there’s no comparison to having an experienced and certified solar panel installer handle the design and installation for your home. Not only will you have peace of mind knowing the panels were installed correctly, but any of the manufacturer warranties will still be in place and local technicians are a phone call away if you have any problems with your array. 

Seal Solar installs solar panels in Arkansas to help homeowners and business owners take control of their energy needs, while reducing energy costs at the same time. Consumers are at the mercy of their energy companies, which usually means high utility bills and increasing rates. When you work with Seal Solar, you’ll be on your way to becoming energy independent, having more money in your pocket every month, and taking control of your future with the help of solar power.

If this aligns with your vision for the present and future, contact us today to get a quick free solar array estimate for your home or business.

Solar Power in Arkansas eBook

All You Need To Know!

Renewable energy can make sense on the surface, but there’s also a lot of facts to digest to ensure you make the right decision. Some of the information in our eBook includes:


  • How solar power works
  • What solar panels in Arkansas cost
  • Understanding the categories of solar arrays
  • Benefits of switching to solar power
  • And much more